New look for iron, copper and uranium ores. Now, they have colors of real ores, not refined metals.
Also, uranium ore glow is decreased to 70%.
(Configurable and with support for other mods.)
Mod category: Tweaks
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Hi, I noticed that you've already made your mod compatible with Deadlock's Stacking. Could you make it compatible with Simple Compress ( as well, please? It's just about the same issue: the color of ore stacks doesn't match the color of single ores.
So, I've started implementing this. I made graphics and wrote some code and this totally doesn't work. The problem is very simple and I can fix that.
However, while investigating it I've discovered a bug in the main code for integration with other mods, which in theory should prevent my mod from even starting. I see no way in which it would work in the current state but it does regardless. This gives me quite a mental breakdown and it can delay the next update.