Realistic Fusion Weaponry

Energy production isn't the only use of nuclear fusion. Weapons of mass destruction are another use, for example. Fully compatible with True Nukes, K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Addon to Realistic Fusion Power. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

i [Added in 0.2.2] Bomb Change?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Is it possible to make the bomb less white bright on explosion ? As my screen is so much as pure white on bomb impact so i really can't see any thing.

4 years ago

Unzip the mod, go to prototypes>entities.lua and you can adjust the strength at lines 111 (thermonulear) and 258 (fusion)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

So not a thing u will mess with ? Since if i do it for my own. I will need to give them that same copy to everyone joining, of my change compared to your upload that will be found automatically.

4 years ago

In my opinion the strength is reasonable compared to the size of the explosion.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

So what's making the white screen ? size and damage is ok just not want it as white.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

As I said, on lines 111 and 258 of entities.lua you can adjust the strength of the white screen.

4 years ago

Ok. Thanks anyway

4 years ago

Well i tried. But it makes the mod disappear. way not sure ?

4 years ago

Are you sure it's not a folder-in-a-folder? It has to be like this: mods/RealisticFusionPower_1.1.0/all the stuff like info.json

4 years ago

First Zip then a folder than all files.

4 years ago

I'll just make it a mod option, will be easier.

4 years ago

Added in 0.2.2

4 years ago


New response