8 years ago

b error

8 years ago


Path Nucular/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-icon.png does not match any mod.


why ?

8 years ago

I'm not sure. I've just double-checked, my mod doesn't reference that file, and it loads successfully with or without Nucular installed. Have you got Nucular installed/enabled?

8 years ago

Nucular no

FusionReactor_0.1.4 yes

8 years ago

Could be ZGroupChange? Would need list of mods to know for sure

8 years ago

Hi, i use this mod at v1.3.1, but now v1.4.0 and my old game wont work after update to 1.4.0(ingame update) When i start save, game delete all tech, res, ore and other of this mode and no add new version of the tech res...

Migration not work automatically, what me do?
Sorry for my english =(

8 years ago

when I put the reactor the game crashes..
!only with the reactor!
the other things all work well

this is the error message

Error while running eventan_tick (ID 0)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback
_ NuReact /control.lua:214:in function
_ NuReact_ /control.lua:272:in function
_ NuReact_ _/control.lua:269>

8 years ago

The Nucular icon error is from Angel's Infinite Ores.

8 years ago

How can we fix it? I have the same error and crash but i dont use angels infinite ores

8 years ago

There seems to be a work around if you are having this problem you must have angelsinfiniteores mod installed or you will not get this error.

The conflict is in the config.lua of angles mod it is tiring to make the mod
Nucular mod have infinite ore.

You have to open the config file and change the line:

--Enables ifinite Ores for Nucular mod
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitenucular = true --(true/false)

to false

--Enables ifinite Ores for Nucular mod
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitenucular = false --(true/false)

the error will stop not sure about the other error or if the mod will work even after getting around this error.

New response