
by Optera

Adds settings to set stack sizes for ores, plates, barrels, fuel cells, ammo and crafting machines for base and mod added variants.

9 months ago
0.15 - 1.1
Storage Cheats

b [fixed] crash on startup

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hello, your mod is crashing on startup and is throwing out this error:
failed to load mods:ReStack/data-final-fixes.lua:22:ReStack/modules/barrel.lua:99: atempt to compare number with string stack traceback:
ReStack/module/barrel.lua:99: in main chunk
(C): in function `require´
ReStack/data-final-fixes.lua:22: in main chunk stack traceback
(C): in function ´require´
ReStack/data-final-fixes.lua:22: in main chunk
Factorio version: 0.18.22
ReStack version: 0.6.2
hope this helps

4 years ago

Logfile snippets hardly ever help.
Please open a bug report on github to upload the log there or link to an upload on hastebin.

New response