
by Optera

Adds settings to set stack sizes for ores, plates, barrels, fuel cells, ammo and crafting machines for base and mod added variants.

9 months ago
0.15 - 1.1
Storage Cheats

g Compatibility with Angel Smelting

5 years ago

I am using BobsAngels mod, unfortunately for me its not working with items connected to Angels smelting.
For example its not stacking processed Ores (like Cobalt, Nickel, Lead, Silicium,...) and all of these ore supplements like ingots ore plates. It workes with crude ore like Bobmonium, Jivolite .... or basic game plates like Iron or Copper plates.
Am i missing something?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Some of Bobs furnaces are just assemblers.
In Factorio internals furnace recipes are anything that determines output by input automatically. If players need to set up a recipe it's always an assembler type.
ReStack only applies plate stack sizes to products from furnace recipes.

I think this mod may change all of bobs furnace-assemblers to real furnaces

4 years ago


Unfortunately this mod is not in 0.18!
Is there another way to fix this problem?
by manually editing in the file can be?


4 years ago

1) don't hijack threads for unrelated topics
2) ReStack is available in 0.18

4 years ago

I might be mistaken but I believe that john was saying that the mod you linked earlier is the one not updated to 0.18 and he is searching for another answer for the same issue.

4 years ago

Sorry for misinterpreting the pronoun game.

No, I don't know about other mods changing bobs fake furnaces to real ones. Ask bob to fix his furnaces, the author of Bob_Furnaces_Multipurpose, or make your own 0.18 fork of it.

New response