Rampant Maintenance

by Veden

Player owned machines will breakdown overtime. Configuration for entities in mod settings. Research available to offset breakdowns. Idle machines should not breakdown. Broken down machines should automatically restart after a cooldown unless destroyed by damage when breaking down

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 1.4.0
    - Added support for krastorio reinforced plates as a tile with 35% bonus
    - Added remote interface to add and remove entities from breakdowns
    - Added active flag to separate when this mod deactivates or activates an entity vs another mod
    - Changed unknown tile type to have 0% modifier
    - onModSettingsChange all internal entity state is synced
Version: 1.3.0
    - Added mod setting to enable robot repairs re-activating machines
    - Fixed on upgrade breaking gui toggle for existing guis
    - Fixed player leaving causing crash with guis
Version: 1.2.2
    - Fixed nil value tilePrototype due to script raised_set_tiles
    - Fixed during multiplayer per player gui should correctly fix up iterator when player leaves
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 20. 03. 2022
    - Changed the license to GPLv3
    - Corrected tooltip on shortcut bar
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 01. 03. 2022
    - Modified RND to be rolled per entity checked instead of for a set of entities
    - Added MTBF, MTTR, Active, Inactive, Uptime, Failure Count
    - Added popup metrics when hovering entities that can breakdown
    - Added tile modifier and pollution modifier to modify breakdowns, damage, and downtime
    - Added tile and pollution modifier research
    - Added per entity type mod setting tile base modifier
    - Added per entity type mod setting pollution max
    - Reduced damage research reduction by 50% per research level
    - Increased default accumulator failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by 2x
    - Increased default ammo-turret failure-rate by 0.2 and increased downtime by 2 minutes and increased damage by ~1.5x
    - Increased default artillery-turret failure-rate by 0.2 and increased downtime by 2 minutes and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default assembling-machine failure-rate by 0.1 and increased downtime by ~2 minutes and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default beacon damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default boiler failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default electric-pole damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default electric-turret failure-rate by 0.1 and increased downtime by ~3 minutes and increased damage by ~0.3x
    - Increased default fluid-turret failure-rate by 0.1 and increased downtime by ~3 minutes and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default furnace failure-rate by 0.1 and increased downtime by ~1 minute
    - Increased default generator failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default inserter failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default lab damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default lamp damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default mining drill failure-rate by 0.1 and increased downtime by ~2 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default offshore-pump failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default pump failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default radar failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~0.5x
    - Increased default reactor failure-rate by 0.2 and increased downtime by 2 minutes and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default roboport failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2x
    - Increased default rocket-port failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~2.5x
    - Increased default solar panel failure-rate by 0.1 and increased damage by ~0.5x
    - Entities that didn't have a predicate check would not be cleared
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 27. 8. 2021
    - When the player fully repairs a broke down machine, it will be reactived. Currently the brokedown icon will remain until the machine would have restarted naturally. Robots repairing a deactivated building do not trigger this effect.
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 16. 4. 2021
    - Fixed mod settings being refreshed on all mod changes
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 06. 2. 2021
    - Decreased default damage taken on breakdown for non-turrets to 15%
    - Reduced breakdown icon size and moved to corner of entity
    - Increased default min downtime to 500 seconds and max downtime to 800 seconds
    - Decreased all research efficiency gains to 8%
    - Increased cooldowns for roughly all entities by 2 minutes
    - Reorganized map settings
    - Increased failure rate for everything except electric poles to 10% min and 20% max
    - Fixed breakdown logic calculating incorrect future tick events
    - Fixed percentage in technology descriptions
    - Fixed artillery turret predicate for breakdown
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 19. 10. 2020
    - Added sprite when a breakdown occurs can be removed in settings for more UPS.
    - Fixed technology icons
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 18. 10. 2020
    - Machines will periodically breakdown (become inactive and take some damage). Damaged machines take additional damage when breaking down.