After some playing and tests I suspect, that there is some problem with evolution %% mod set for global evolution value.
At some points I had over 100% evolution for spawners killed partly negated by some -80% contribution from units killed. It confuses player, because expected 100% maximum is a finish and can't be exceeded.
Those big numbers of %% look like being simply added up into one total evo % value, but it can't be real, because total evo high numbers (especially over 90%) is very slowly achieved in Factorio due to greatly decreased value of any evo factor with the growth of entire evo %.
In situation when some of factor values do not change in absolute form their %% values are expected to decrease. For example spawner absorbed pollution after all spawners in pollution cloud reach were purged long ago (so we put out of scope the situation with reset counting after mod settings were changed) %% value does not change, but it is expected that its %% value will go down, because it makes up less contribution comparing to other global evolution parts added up by other, still growing factors' values.
Right now player can achieve 100% evo in the very beginning of the game if allows spawners to consume a lot of pollution or kill some considerable (not ultra huge I must admit) number of spawners. In Vanilla it is also easy to achieve 50% evo with killing every spawner found, but after that spawners kill number factor doesn't make so much sense. And after 90% evo it is an incredible work to do (especially if player reduced value from 200 to something smaller in start map settings) to get another 10% of global evo only with nests extermination.
Absolute numbers in units can be much more useful for understanding mod logics. For example via other console command or setting in options what format to show.