Rampant Arsenal (Fork)

Fork of abandoned mod Rampant Arsenal. Ported to Factorio 2.0 Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles. Origninal mod is Rampant Arsenal https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RampantArsenal?from=search

8 days ago

g Bio Rockets

2 days ago

hi, im pretty sure bio rockets weren't destroying friendly constructs now they do could you look into it?= its extremely annoying

2 days ago
(updated 2 days ago)

They do. You can easily check this in Factorio 1.1 Rampant Arsenal
Also, I totally agree with friendly fire in this case, because bio-rockets are too OP

2 days ago

oh okay ig i was wrong, another question why are spawned in enemys in creative mode unable to be atacked? id like to test the damage of the diffrent weapons but i cant get my guns to shoot the spawned in enemys.

a day ago

Maybe you're creating both biters and turrets for the same force.
If you try to attack with a character, then there is no player character in creative mode
Otherwise, I don't know.

a day ago

hmm any idea how i can change the team for the biters with editor extensions and creative mod?

a day ago

i figured it it out, with the modifier wand you can change the enemy faction. also regarding the bio rocket jesus they are weak now. so weak that tbh using them is a waste of resources you can barely kill anything with them.

a day ago

the advanced laser tower on the other hand still oneshots everything beside the electric biters so ig instead of my defense being laser+bio rockets it will be just lasers and repair towers.

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