Rampant Arsenal (Fork)

Fork of abandoned mod Rampant Arsenal. Ported to Factorio 2.0 Adds a variety of weapons to wage war. Adds Additional Turrets, Ammo Types, Landmines, Equipment, Capsules, Walls, Vehicles. Origninal mod is Rampant Arsenal https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RampantArsenal?from=search

8 days ago

g Repair Capsule Launchers

10 days ago

Capsule Launchers.

So i am not sure if you are aware, but there are capsule launchers, and one of the amo is a repair capsule.
The Problem is, they only target and shoot biters, not actually getting triggered by damaged walls.
There is a medic tower for that, but the healing is way too little to fight any biters above T2.
Any chances you could either buff the heal of the medic tower or try to have the capsule towers be shooting at damaged walls if they contain repair capsules?
(i know this one won't be easy, so i'm fine with buffing the medic towers to be equal to the capsule launchers)

10 days ago

for the meantime i uploaded my own adaption, where i simply selected the big instead of massive cloud to be spawned by medic turrets.
only for our one playthrough, i can delete it after if u want.


10 days ago

I'll check tomorrow.
The problem with healing is that it either doesn't heal completely, or the healed object becomes almost impossible to destroy.
Regarding your mod - it's up to you. But in general, it's usually not enough to publish a mod, it also needs to be maintained

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