Radar Grid Guide

Guide for deploying radars on a regular grid, to get 100% coverage without overlap.

5 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

g Max range 200

7 years ago

Can you increase max range wont work with Luzivras Factorio Overhaul radars!

7 years ago

Also failing with "Big Brother" and mod "Satellite Radar" mods.

6 years ago

Error while loading entity prototype "RADAR_GRID_GUIDE:RANGE_DATA_HACK" (flying-text): Order field is too large. Max allowed size is: 200.
Modifications: RadarGridGuide

6 years ago

Radar Grid Guide isn't that useful with those mods, as they add the ability to increase the radar range over time.

Factorio itself doesn't actually support changing the ranges on radars as you play, so these mods both create many (60+) separate radar types, and under the hood swap the radar entity type as needed. Unfortunately this mod can't handle such a large number of radar entities so it fails. There's no simple fix for this unfortunately.

Other mods, that only add a small number of new radars (e.g. "Advanced Radar"), or just change the range of the default radar ("rso-radar"?) should be fine.

6 years ago

Since some time, Factorio was improved to not crash or terminate on most errors that happen while starting the program, and instead give a warning with the option to disable the problematic mods. Too bad that this mod causes a real crash of Factorio and forces users to search for the mods directory and disable or delete some mods manually without giving details as to which mods are causing the conflicts, etc.

It would be nice if this mod could have some "anti-dependencies" for not having those other mods active (I've seen that on some other mod, something like "dependency: xxx<0" or similar), which should cause Factorio to give a better warning message, listing the conflicting mods, and with the option to disable conflicting mods. Thus users would be able to do better decisions, and to disable or remove some of those conflicting mods directly ingame with the mod management.

New response