Quantum Warehousing Mod

by Altaric

Bottomless warehouses. Works with any chest.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Modular chest

1 year, 9 months ago

I'm trying to make it work with modular chest but I've bad luck until now. I'm pretty sure I have set up the setting right but the mod still not want to work, mayby because modular chest change the entities name as you add more chest. I have the following name in the setting:
steel-chest warehouse-basic warehouse-storage warehouse-passive-provider warehouse-buffer warehouse-active-provider long-steel-chest long-steel-chest-1x13 long-steel-chest-1x20 long-steel-chest-1x27 long-steel-chest-1x34 long-steel-chest-1x41 long-steel-chest-1x48 long-steel-chest-1x55 long-steel-chest-v long-steel-chest-v-1x13 long-steel-chest-v-1x20 long-steel-chest-v-1x27 long-steel-chest-v-1x34 long-steel-chest-v-1x41 long-steel-chest-v-1x48 long-steel-chest-v-1x55 modular-steel-chest

Could you point me in the right direction to make it work ? (it works on the chest alone but as soon as they start to combine, it stop working).

1 year, 8 months ago

I managed to make it works with the scan command to update the chest tracking list (but it's not really a good option since it creates a huge lag everytimes) but... it seems it don't work. all the chest, included steel chest I use as a tracker, still have their full inventory. The constant combinator was spawned on the chest so it should have worked. I'm quite puzzled.

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