Quality Assurance

All Qualities, unlocked from the start! Quality Modules not included.

a month ago
Manufacturing Cheats

b [Added] No option to disable logging

2 months ago

Please remove the logging "Script @QualityAssurance/data-updates.lua:67: Scanning dependency "floating-logistics-technology" now." or lock it behind a startup setting.
Running this mod on clusterio bricks the entire overlay for multiple minutes because of how much printing the console has to go through. Starting up a save I'm looking at about 370k lines generated just by this mod starting up. From line 74>370k is just this mod

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Please remove the logging "Script @QualityAssurance/data-updates.lua:67: Scanning dependency "floating-logistics-technology" now." or lock it behind a startup setting.
Running this mod on clusterio bricks the entire overlay for multiple minutes because of how much printing the console has to go through. Starting up a save I'm looking at about 370k lines generated just by this mod starting up. From line 74>370k is just this mod

I don't know why the logging shows up in the in-game console, it should only show up in the log... I will limit it to when using a startup setting though.

Also, note that the mod logs a lot more than technology scanning.
Things like qualities and machines.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Yeah, noticed a couple of other things in there too. Thanks for the quick response and I noticed something weird while playing with the mod beyond this issue. When base quality is set to 10% for some reason all our machines only display 2% quality. I'm thinking it's just a weird interaction with another mod we have but haven't tested that theory. Other than that mod works great so far.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

This was meant to be a edit but I fat fingered the quote button and didn't notice before posting xD

2 months ago

Unfortunately, I can't get rid of every log message that doesn't appear without my mod, such as the ones created by the game for all the new properties I add to help keep track of information between parts of the data-stage and mods for specific prototypes, or the ones created for my mod being there (such as loading my mod's data.lua file)

2 months ago

I have added the feature, if you load up the game with the new version of the mod, there shouldn't be any more log messages caused directly by the mod. You can re-enable this feature by enabling dev mode.

This thread has been locked.