Quality Assurance

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3 days ago
Manufacturing Cheats

b [Fixed] AMS Machine Locales

24 days ago

First, the machine names are still not getting taken over and the respective machines still say "Unnamed Machine AMS version"
Second, it seems like the module slot count for said AMS version of the machines are set to 2, which is in some cases less than the module slots the normal machines offer (Chemical plant, Assembling machine 3 and so on...)
Aren't the machines supposed to gain extra module slots as the AMS version?

24 days ago
(updated 24 days ago)
  1. Yes, I don't know how to fix that without breaking locales with a WIP mod
  2. I'll fix that in the next version.
  3. I'll use this discussion/thread to track the fixing of the locales.
16 days ago
(updated 16 days ago)

I tried a few options for localised strings. These variants worked for me:

if Machine.localised_name ~= nil and not Machine.localised_name == {} and not Machine.localised_name == "" then
    AMSMachine.localised_name = {"ams.name", {Machine.localised_name}}
    AMSMachine.localised_name = {"ams.name", {"entity-name."..Machine.name}}

Similarly for other fields:

AMSMachine.localised_description = {"ams.description", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachine.localised_description = {"ams.description", {"entity-name."..Machine.name}}

AMSMachineItem.localised_name = {"ams.name", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineItem.localised_name = {"ams.name", {"entity-name." .. Machine.name}}
AMSMachineItem.localised_description = {"ams.description", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineItem.localised_description = {"ams.description", {"entity-name."..Machine.name}}

AMSMachineRecipe.localised_name = {"ams.name", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineRecipe.localised_name = {"ams.name", {"entity-name." .. Machine.name}}
AMSMachineRecipe.localised_description = {"ams.description", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineRecipe.localised_description = {"ams.description", {"entity-name."..Machine.name}}

AMSMachineTechnology.localised_name = {"ams.name", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineTechnology.localised_name = {"ams.name", {"entity-name." .. Machine.name}}
AMSMachineTechnology.localised_description = {"ams.tech-description", {Machine.localised_name}}
AMSMachineTechnology.localised_description ={"ams.tech-description", {"entity-name."..Machine.name}}
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