Cmers' Vanilla Revamp

by C-mers

A variety of changes to remix the vanilla Factorio experience.

a month ago

i Support AAI Industry

9 months ago

AAI Defines its own recipes for basic goods.
I propose that you support this mod and override his recipes.

9 months ago

I guess I could give that a shot, looking at the AAI industry mod by itself it actually seems pretty manageable.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

Unfortunately it seems like some of AAI's recipes like the big electric engine and multi-cylinder engine (which equate to the vanilla engine and electric engine) take precedent over my own mod's recipes due to a function within AAI known as "util.conditional_modify" which I can't seem to override, so this'll have to wait until I can find a workaround.

9 months ago

thanks you!

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