So I got it working. Was funny to use lua for the first time and to learn how it's made, espicialy factorio's lua. In the end, it's quite simple but you have to look in the factorio raw directory to see what needs to be chanded.
here the steps to upgrade to 2.0:
-download the mod and extract it
-rename it "PoweredBelts_0.5.0"
-go to "control.lua" and change:
-- every "global" by "storage" (except line 37)
-- every "created_entity" by "entity"
-go to "data-final-fixes.lua" and comment every line with "collision_mask = {"ghost-layer"}," (you can also delete them)
-go to "info.lua" and change:
--the "version" to "0.5.0"
--the "factotio_version" to "2.0"
--the "dependencies" to "["base >= 2.0"]"
make sure that it is in your mod folder and you will have it in your game.
Enjoy playing with it.