Power And Armor

Adds higher tier powerarmor and equipment

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b The laser thing doesn't work

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

The laser turret upgrade thing with the Laser Defence doesn't work.. :(

7 years ago

Well, that's embarrasing. I fixed it so it works now. you won't see it in the bonus screen but the item itself says the upgrade is applied. without you need ~5 shots of a mk1 to kill a biter base, with up to infinite you need ~2

7 years ago

What means the last sentence?

7 years ago

if you have in your power armor 1 personal laser defense mk1 you will kill a biter base with about 5 shots, if you have all the speed and damage upgrades for laser turrets but no infinite research then you will need about 2.

7 years ago

Wait. You changed the base damage values on mk.1 lasers?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Nope, just laser turret damage upgrades! does it take a different amount of shots for you?

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