Power And Armor

Adds higher tier powerarmor and equipment

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Railgun underpowered

7 years ago

As it stands currently the railgun is way too weak late game and either needs a significant damage boost or increase to RoF. Maybe infinite research like normal bullets for the damage? Possibly even research for the rate of fire. It seems like a relatively nice weapon but it falls off horribly. With full upgrades and a few of the infinite researches for damage the machine gun hits for (uranium ammo) 60 damage 25 times per second rather than 100 every 3 for the railgun.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I hear your concerns and you are correct. I originally added the technology because it has a fun concept, even though the technology was removed from vanilla and did not receive any upgrades. In the next version I'll add some things for it to be more powerful

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