Power And Armor

Adds higher tier powerarmor and equipment

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

a Changelog 1.15.15

8 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

- Locale is fixed! thanks to TheGegger
- moved migration to a dedicated migration script where it should actually be
I've learned how to properly do a migration sctipt, Jay!, Also that damn locale thing is gone, Thanks TheGegger!

- 0.15 is here!
-Changed versioning so the middle number shows the factorio version it requires
- Nightvision does nothing better than the vanilla one. I could not figure out how to make the darkness go away. the vanilla one is amazing though so I might just remove it.
- New HD Textures! (adapted from the new vanilla textures)
- For even more OP-ness: MK4 powerarmor with a 24x24 grid and MK3 laser defence.
- Broken locale! Something broke and I don't know what... If you might have an answer, please do tell.
On a lighter note: you need about 36 MK3 shields to nuke yourself and survive unscathed! (only 2 if you barely scratch yourself, be safe!)

NB: There is no migtation from 0.14. this because 0.15 is not compatible with 0.14 saves anyway

-fixed a syntax error in the control.lua

- Recipes for upgrading your armour all the way from modular armour to powerarmour MK2
During my last playtrough I needed personal robots before I was able to make powerarmour and I hate redundant items

- an even faster tool
- a power pole and a substation with larger radii
- Configs!
I've been playing bob's and I loved the bigger poles and the faster tools. So, inspired by them, I've decided to add my own variants to this mod.
if you do not want the tools or poles (or cheatmodules) you can easily disable them through the new config file

Many thanks to FISHMANPET, KurioHonoo and Crushed who provided a solution to the problems in 1.0.9 (I failed to update the mod properly)

-Updated for 0.14

-railgun and railgun darts are no longer hidden
-fixed personal laser defense localization
I found the railgun and darts! you can now request them with logistics or filter them or other things like that.

-fixed railgun localization
-rebalanced personal defense mk2 recipe

I thought some people might like to see a changelog for the newest version seeing as the changes were not reported bugs but things I found in my own playthrough.

8 years ago

It makes deciding to update mods a lot easier if you know what was changed. So personally I like changelogs. Also, thank you for a great mod

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