Plutonium Energy

Adds processing of plutonium, excess product from nuclear reaction. Plutonium can be used to make ammo (even plutonium atomic bomb) and to generate energy as MOX fuel.

6 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

b [Fixed 1.5.7] Plutonium fuel recipe and object not available in SE game

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

[SOLVED] (only one last problem ... now plutonium fuel not suitable for Jetpack :((( )

I had to change the technology.lua (for some reason this part was missing in the latest version of the mod, i don't know if this was intended or not ) i think not:

            type = 'unlock-recipe',
            recipe = 'plutonium-fuel'

Added this under plutonium-processing and everything is back to normality.
Now tech is available, recipe available and everything is ok.

After a while a realized that the plutonium recipe was not available anymore and i can't select it in the filters or in the logistic container and so on ... it just doesn't exist anymore (i am playing Space Exploration game 1000+ hours in it). It simply disappeared though as this is an old game the machine that were producing it still are producing it (but if i change the recipe in the centrifuge and try to re-select plutonium fuel then is no longer available). How can i solve this? In the recipes.lua file everything look ok:

-- Plutonium fuel (chemical fuel)
    type = "recipe",
    name = "plutonium-fuel",
    energy_required = 40,
    enabled = false,
    category = "centrifuging",
    ingredients = { { "plutonium-239", 1 }, { "nuclear-fuel", 1 } },
    icon = "__PlutoniumEnergy__/graphics/icons/plutonium-fuel.png",
    icon_size = 64,
    icon_mipmaps = 4,
    crafting_machine_tint = {
        primary = { r = 0.000, g = 1.000, b = 0.961, a = 1.000 } -- #00FFF5
    result = "plutonium-fuel"

Technology also disappeared from available techs.
Thank to anyone willingly to help!!!

2 months ago

SE replaces Nuclear Fuel with Uranium Cell Fuel.
I believe that Mox Fuel is a replacement for Plutonium fuel to maintain the pattern and design.

123499, what you are saying is not true. SE still has the uranium fuel cell (for nuclear reactor) and nuclear fuel (for furnaces, trains, cars, etc).

Addressing the original issue: the recipe was probably removed from technology effects because the plutonium enrichment was being replaced by breeder. I will put it into the breeder tech then.

Fixed in 1.5.7

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