Plutonium Energy

Adds processing of Plutonium, which is created from nuclear fission of Uranium. It can be used to extract even more energy or incinerate enemies with new ammunition.

a day ago
0.15 - 2.0

b [Fixed 1.5.7] Plutonium fuel recipe and object not available in SE game

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

[SOLVED] (only one last problem ... now plutonium fuel not suitable for Jetpack :((( )

I had to change the technology.lua (for some reason this part was missing in the latest version of the mod, i don't know if this was intended or not ) i think not:

            type = 'unlock-recipe',
            recipe = 'plutonium-fuel'

Added this under plutonium-processing and everything is back to normality.
Now tech is available, recipe available and everything is ok.

After a while a realized that the plutonium recipe was not available anymore and i can't select it in the filters or in the logistic container and so on ... it just doesn't exist anymore (i am playing Space Exploration game 1000+ hours in it). It simply disappeared though as this is an old game the machine that were producing it still are producing it (but if i change the recipe in the centrifuge and try to re-select plutonium fuel then is no longer available). How can i solve this? In the recipes.lua file everything look ok:

-- Plutonium fuel (chemical fuel)
    type = "recipe",
    name = "plutonium-fuel",
    energy_required = 40,
    enabled = false,
    category = "centrifuging",
    ingredients = { { "plutonium-239", 1 }, { "nuclear-fuel", 1 } },
    icon = "__PlutoniumEnergy__/graphics/icons/plutonium-fuel.png",
    icon_size = 64,
    icon_mipmaps = 4,
    crafting_machine_tint = {
        primary = { r = 0.000, g = 1.000, b = 0.961, a = 1.000 } -- #00FFF5
    result = "plutonium-fuel"

Technology also disappeared from available techs.
Thank to anyone willingly to help!!!

11 months ago

SE replaces Nuclear Fuel with Uranium Cell Fuel.
I believe that Mox Fuel is a replacement for Plutonium fuel to maintain the pattern and design.

9 months ago

123499, what you are saying is not true. SE still has the uranium fuel cell (for nuclear reactor) and nuclear fuel (for furnaces, trains, cars, etc).

9 months ago

Addressing the original issue: the recipe was probably removed from technology effects because the plutonium enrichment was being replaced by breeder. I will put it into the breeder tech then.

9 months ago

Fixed in 1.5.7

9 months ago

thank you Sir!

New response