
by axtox

Display your pictures and indicators in real-time directly on the map using Pixels. WARNING: All pixels are being processed at a time, so it is not recommended to create more than 15000 Pixels.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Single/few pixels per tick

4 years ago

Can you please change the mod that it doesn't use more UPS, but longer update period?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

what is UPS? Update Per Second? There's only update-per-tick in Factorio
I am working on chunk-based updates for the Pixels, 150-300 pixels will be checked every 4th frame so it will be perfect for the performance, if that is what your question about. Read more about it on Forum Thread or in our latest discussion on this issue.
Right now ALL pixels are updated in 1 frame. So it is not recommended to place more than 1500 pixels at a time right now.
This solution IS NOT functioning with multiplayer, so I'm working on it!

4 years ago

You want to check 150-300 pixels every 4th pixel, but why not 37-75 pixels every tick?

4 years ago

You can also look into the code of https://mods.factorio.com/mod/BatteryVehicleDisplay
There is one update per tick and it works nice in multiplayer (not tested by me).

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

basically I found that 30 Pixels every tick is still bad for performance, I can try to do the drawing (it is requiring less CPU) every tick and checkup every 3-4th tick...I've tested it a lot, and it is somehow better for performance.
Previously it was made with Coroutines but they are removed since 0.15 Factorio
it looks like that:

Thank you for the info, I will take a look

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