Piety: Make an offering of landfill and the God of Industry will reward you. If enough landfill is in a single logistic network, the God of Industry will occasionally reward you with an ore type based on the least of what is available within that network. Great way to get rid of excess stone.
Meant to be compatible with mods that add more ores, but behavior need testing.
Rules that trigger the God of Industry Blessing event:
20k landfill to garner the God's interest
The god tithes 15% of landfill when his blessing occurs
His blessing can happen once every hour (60 minutes of /played)
His blessing can happen at each roboport network
His blessing happens at a random roboport in the network
His blessing spawns ore to be mined at the chosen roboport
He looks for ore in least supply in the logistic network and his blessing reflects that