Picker Belt Tools

by Nexela

Beltbrush and Belt Reversing

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g How to turn off belt highlight path ?

5 years ago

It's cool, but there are time where i don't want to see the highlight path.

5 years ago

This really needs to exist!!!
perfect way was having a key to enable/disable it on the go, so we can enable it only when needed.
If not, at least an option to disable it in the game so we can still use the rest of the mod while not using this new function at all.

Right now... it can be an headache some of the times and only option to disable it is disabling the mod or downgrading it...

5 years ago

Butbutbut!!!! Will add an option to toggle in the next version possibly

5 years ago

I'll add it. I guess when I forgot the key bind when I made the script.

5 years ago

Yeah please make it optional. It is such a great mod but I cannot stand the path highlighting, unfortunately.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It also breaks fast replace for me, which is very painful.

Discovered that you can disable it by just commenting out


in control.lua.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

About the fast replace... its interesting coz I had no issues with that until... I started a different modded pack.
I wonder which mod is making it work again in my other packs

Edit: as I start suspecting once I did a closer look... its Space Exploration mod that is causing the issues with fast replace...

5 years ago

So yeah... Space Exploration changes a lot of items (including belts) to include in their collision mask layer 14 (his space layer).
The belt highlight is a temporary item that exists over the belt also on layer 14. So, when we try to place a belt, it colides with this temporary item at this layer.

Quick fix: edit belt-highlight.lua inside prototypes folder, and at line 21, change layer-14 to layer-15

5 years ago

Option to disable it would be good, but option to reduce opacity would be better. It doesn't need to be so bright, it's distracting that way, but it's a cool feature.

5 years ago

I think it's a great idea, but only when needed. Several of the responses here are good. In my perfect world, you could adjust the opacity and it would only appear if a specific key was depressed while hovering over a belt.

5 years ago

Same here. Causing issues, forced me to take it off til it gets fixed.

5 years ago

@ranakastrasz what kinds of issues
PS. the re-write is almost done and the toggle will be included

5 years ago

When is it gonna be released? Also, in multiplayer it highlights belts for everybody, not just the player who's hovering the belt, which is very annoying and confusing.

5 years ago

That is addressed in the re-write. The when is eventually<tm> it is being worked on, but both of us have full time jobs and families.

5 years ago

Yes. Sorry we're trying to change a lot of the back end to be more integral with the Libraries we use.

Perhaps we can release a temporary fix for that.

New response