Petrol Condensation Reload

Updated by Atlas. Adds recipes for condensing petroleum gas to light oil and light oil to heavy oil.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Not showing in recipe or chemical plants

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I have it installed but the recipe is not showing up anywhere. accidentally put this in general.

6 years ago

I've downloaded this mod today and got this same issue. I found quickly a fix, which requires a Console command.
The recipes do not appear if you install the mods on a save with the Advance Oil Processing ALREADY researched.
Either launch a new save, or use the following Console command :

/c game.player.force.technologies['advanced-oil-processing'].researched=false; game.player.force.set_saved_technology_progress('advanced-oil-processing', 0)

And research the technology again, the recipes will appear.
I do not know how to fix this in the mod itself.
Thank you for reading,


6 years ago

I thought about a possible fix: isolate the recipes into a new research, then anyone who newly installs this mod can research it after.

New response