Extended Vanilla: Personal Roboports deprecated

A complete overhaul to the ordinary personal vanilla equipment, this mod(pack) adds four brand new tiers of Roboports that will allow you to command hordes of drones!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Robots Charging

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

After updating, robots will no longer charge in the personal roboport. They try to recharge endlessly until they run out of juice.

Tested using power armor mk3 (mod) and personal roboport mk6. Also happens to spidertrons using personal roboport mk3

3 years ago

And I thought all was working properly...
Today I'll see what's happening and release an hot fix.
Thanks for the report.

3 years ago

This is happening because previously the MK3+ roboports could fit in the extended power armors but now with the new update they don't work in the power armors anymore but if you had them in the armor previously they would not retroactively be removed. Remove the MK3+ roboports from the extended power armors to fix this. Is there a way we can have a setting to use all the equipment in all armors? I much prefer the previous functionality.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Mate just yesterday I've updated the mod with a hot fix that, at least in my factorio environment, resolved the problem.
This bug was caused by a distraction that I made while coding: I modified the distance of the "charging pods" of the roboports but not the values that we could say resemble the "distance of the energy trasmission"...
(Kinda complex to explain here since I'd need to explain you the Roboport Prototypes.)

By the way: is everything working well now with 4.0.1 version or are you having the same problem?

New response