Pavement Drive Assist Continued

by azaghal

Introduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i End of road sensor?

7 months ago

I really enjoy this mod. It's almost a must have for me now. It's great to be able to just hit the road and drive. There's just one little thing that I have a bit of a problem with, and that's that every road eventually comes to an end. When it does, the automatic drive assistant sounds an alarm and automatically brakes, which is usually desired behavior, but not always. It would be nice to have some sort of Offroad Sign where if you pass over it, the drive assistant turns off its alarm and auto-brake for a few seconds and lets you drive off the road freely without having to disable the ADS completely.

7 months ago

Hello Qatavin,

Glad you like the mod, it was a must have mod for me as well, therefore the maintenance fork happened - that's how I got into Factorio modding in the first place :)

I think something like this could be possible (just off the top of my head, thinking how the stop sign does something similar already). But first of all - what would be your particular use-case/scenario? Placing the sign at base exit or something similar?

Best regards,

7 months ago

At base exits, yes. The places where I find myself wanting to have this would be where I'm going from paved road to unfloored ground at my outposts or defensive perimeter. Like, typically I'd arrive by train and have a car or tank ready to take me further out, but I'd have my drive assist on because I was also driving around my base in a car, so I'd get the alarm as soon as I leave the road at my outpost. I suppose that might make them vulnerable to attack, but I've done a bit of testing, and enemies never seem interested in targeting them directly at least.

4 months ago

Hm... Kinda gotten a bit busy with some other things, so this hasn't progressed... But... I might revisit this once I manage to port all the mods onto 2.0 for starters, just wanted to give a heads up that the mod is not dead yet. :)

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