Pavement Drive Assist Continued

by azaghal

Introduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [FIXED] Cruise Control Crash

3 years ago

in my Multiplayer server, I placed a speed limit of 40, when another player drives over it, the game is crashing.
From our testing, he did not have a cruise control limit set, and after setting a limit, the crash no longer occurs.
We haven't tested with another user to see if we can cause the same crash yet, but I'll update if we get a chance to confirm

Error while running event PavementDriveAssistContinued::on_tick (ID 0)
PavementDriveAssistContinued/pda.lua:1146: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
PavementDriveAssistContinued/pda.lua:1146: in function 'on_tick'
PavementDriveAssistContinued/control.lua:79: in function <PavementDriveAssistContinued/control.lua:78>

3 years ago

Yeah, I really need to get of my behind and fix this one :)

So, I am aware of the underlying issue, so you can save up some of your time debugging at least (I am thankful for all bug reports, mind you :) ).

The simplest fix would be to set some default speed limit value when new players join the game, and to introduce data migration that will set a default value for already joined players (if it's not defined yet). I just need to get around to taking care of it (just been a bit lazy/demotivated).

So, as a workaround, for now just make sure to tell everyone to set their speed limit when they join the game (basically what you discovered).

2 years ago

Ok, should be finally fixed - sorry for the long wait. Please retest, and let me know if crashing still happens :)

2 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response, I'll test "soon" and let you know if the issue persists!
Thanks for the updates!

2 years ago

No worries. This should be fixed now, so I'll go ahead and close the topic to keep it clean :)

But... If you run into any more bugs, please do report them, all feedback is welcome :)

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