Pavement Drive Assist Continued

by azaghal

Introduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Support for AAI Vehicles?

3 years ago

The title says it all. Would love for my AAI Programmable Vehicles to avoid going into the factory jungle to pick up / drop something when a direct path is set between point A and B and instead take the high road!

3 years ago


Not quite sure what the feature request would be here - is this related to having AAI Programmable Vehicles follow a specific path in automatic mode or is it about driving the vehicles by hand?

Best regards,

3 years ago

Apologies, I should've been more clearer with the request. I meant to enable the AAI Vehicles to follow a road for when vehicles are moving in automated AI mode (following a defined path via the Path Controller).

So when defining a path from position A to depot B, instead of the vehicle pathing through the factory buildings and taking the shortest path possible, they should be compelled to follow a road that goes around the buildings instead.

3 years ago

Ah, unfortunately I don' think that's something that can be implemented through Pavement Drive Assist - the mod really deals only with manually controlled vehicles when it comes down to path selection.

For automated units to follow specific paths, that would have to be implemented via AAI Vehicles itself. I do know that this kind of behaviour is implemented in mod - but that one is really not even close to what AAI Vehicles does.

Probably not a satisfactory answer, but I hope it at least clears up things a bit :)

3 years ago

Ah. No worries. Thanks so much for responding!

New response