Pavement Drive Assist

by Arcitos

Introduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Control Question

4 years ago

I appologize if I've just missed there a more detailed instruction somewhere? I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if there is maybe a "bug" from some possibly unintended use.

I've gotten the speedlimit, stop, etc. signs to work. If I setup a more automated example like the rail crossing using the road sensors, everything works. If I manually activate the road sensor (C=1) I lose control changes from subsequent signs. Right now I'm just testing things and want to stop as if there is a train coming without actually having the train coming so I have manually set C=1. Because the car requires a driver (and I'm playing single player) I'm not sure I would ever have another use case for it as I'd basically just be talking a stop sign at that point, but I come up with some ostensibly odd things at times. For example I was actually just wondering if it would be possible to make dummy drivers for the cars so I could then set them up to operate autonomously without the cruise control being turned off when I exit the vehicle.

The question I have, is this normal? The information I've read so far, it sounded more like the "size" of the affected area of a road sensor was based on the number of stops. Therefore, after I pass the stops controlled by the sensor, I would've expected to go back to normal road conditions. Instead I'm losing everything on that side of the road past the sensor. (I have Asphalt Roads installed and in a dual lane/direction road it is properly only affecting one direction.) In the case of my test road this is the rest of the road and I run off the end because the car was going too fast for the turn because it didn't read the speed limit sign instead of turning around and coming back the other way.

If this isn't a bug, what is the best way to address it? Will adding a second road sensor after the first set to C=-1 reset the car to normal mode instead of controlled by the 1st road sensor? The C=-1 was mentioned as a special case in something I was reading, but I haven't found anything documented on what that case is. Is this the use case?


4 years ago

Still wouldn't mind hearing from an expert, but through some trial and error, I think I figured out how to handle it. (Used another road sensor after the train stop zone with a static value of C = 0.)

Now that I'm off my test track and back to my main base what is your recommendation for dealing with intersections? Obviously they'll need some sort of user interaction to at the very least tell the car which way you want to go, but specific to Asphalt Roads, do you have a clever way to ensure you stay in the correct lane as you drive through? The way I came up with seems to have enough lines to be working, but I can't help wonder if there is better, perhaps more automated way as I'm all but manually driving the car through it. Don't mind too much, but it feels wrong with the cruise control there. Perhaps a new road sensor type where one could click on it and the vehicle would go that direction out of the intersection?

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