Pavement Drive Assist

by Arcitos

Introduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Solution for AAI crash

6 years ago

After a bit of time, and with the help of a friend, we were able to locate the issue. the problem is that there are 2 values that become nil when the AI is turned off with AAI. To solve this issue you must add 2 if statements to pda.lua in Pavement Drive Assist. When in the file go to Line 82 and put these 2 statements below that line:

if player.vehicle ~= nil then
if player.vehicle.get_driver() ~= nil then


Notepad++ is excellent free app for viewing code if you are having issues reading it.

I tried to test as many situations as possible to see if any other bugs appeared and I did not find any. My skills for coding are nil so if there are any further issues I will try to figure it out!

6 years ago

Seems to have worked for me! Easy fix and working so far.

6 years ago

Thank you very much, Forsaken67! Your explanation was the key! I had an experimental release as WIP since September, but have had to deal with other problems after changing the parameter checks. Those problems are now finally solved and i hope, you'll be able to use both mods together again. Please excuse me for not updating this mod earlier. Oh, and if you want an additional fix for PDA for 0.16.52, i'll will publish one, too.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Can someone detail how to do this manually for normies who dont actually know shit about coding, this problem is kinda ruining my modpack idea and i can't really figure out how to patch this
Also a patched 0.16 file would be great, less headaches LUL

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