Old But Better Sounds

Some of the new sound effects come with 0.18 are horrendous, so I reverted them back to the old ones. Optionally supports bob's mods. Mod settings allow customization. Also added optional new laser beam sound effects.

3 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

i More work for you

4 years ago

... i think there is more work for you ... 0.18.36 bring us more UGLY sounds. I really don't understand why developers are wasting time in useless things instead of concentrating on important stuff. Please save our ears and include more old but better!!!

4 years ago

Sorry I haven't been playing for a while. What's changed?

4 years ago

I just looked at the patch note:

Updated sounds for assembling machines 1, 2, and 3.
New sounds for mining and eating fish.
New sound for spitter spawner, repairing robots.
New sound for throwing capsules, grenades, combat robots.
Various levels adjusted including new default sound settings.

Hm, I need to get in the game and see what the new sounds are like. If they are crap, I will update the mod and revert them.

4 years ago

Thank you very much!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I would say the robots are especially annoying because of the high volume of their sounds, and also because of their new vocal sounds. Previously they just whistled, and that was more than enough. Now their sounds are louder than my factory's sounds.

Would you please add an option to revert their sound back (just whistle, or maybe produce no sound at all), and also one for controlling the volume of their sounds?

PS: Thanks a lot for your great mod, I thought would never get rid of these awful new sounds.

FYI: I'm using Bob's, but I am pretty sure this is a vanilla thing.

4 years ago

I would say the robots are especially annoying because of the high volume of their sounds, and also because of their new vocal sounds. Previously they just whistled, and that was more than enough. Now their sounds are louder than my factory's sounds.

Would you please add an option to revert their sound back (just whistle, or maybe produce no sound at all), and also one for controlling the volume of their sounds?

PS: Thanks a lot for your great mod, I thought would never get rid of these awful new sounds.

FYI: I'm using Bob's, but I am pretty sure this is a vanilla thing.

I need to investigate this first since I've just got back to Factorio after months of break.

New response