Old But Better Sounds

Some of the new sound effects come with 0.18 are horrendous, so I reverted them back to the old ones. Optionally supports bob's mods. Mod settings allow customization. Also added optional new laser beam sound effects.

3 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

g I kind of like all the sounds you've replaced, but...

4 years ago

I really hate the new laser sounds. :-(

It might be nice to have a set of checkboxes for which sounds I'd like to replace. :-)

4 years ago

There already are checkboxes in the mod settings menu, check it out.
Also, laser sounds you say? I will have a look at it tomorrow.

4 years ago

Oh right! The lasers yeah the old ones are better too

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Okay... this is a bit more complicated than I thought for two reasons.
1, the laser turrets no longer fire the traditional projectiles. They now use a constant beam of laser. Using the old "pew pew" sound feels off.
2, the laser turrets don't make sounds directly, they call a function named "make_laser_beam(sound)". I'm still trying to figure out how to either overwrite the function or make all laser turrets use my function.

4 years ago

Well, I just updated the mod. You can choose from 3 laser sound effects now - one pre-0.18, and two added by me.

4 years ago

Thanks! :-)

4 years ago

I like the sounds you provide better. Having it be a lower frequency hum makes it sound a lot punchier.

4 years ago

have you tried type 2 yet? It seems a bit too aggressive.

4 years ago

That was the one I had picked actually. :-)

4 years ago

I can't even hear type 1 and type 2 lasers at all over the sounds of the biters now. :-/

4 years ago

Alright, I will make them a bit louder.

4 years ago

Even better, I added volume control. You can set it to whatever you like.

4 years ago

laugh Knobs and buttons everywhere! :-) Thank you!

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