
by Kenira

Increasing power density of nuclear reactors while making them more expensive

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i More expensive turbines

5 years ago

I really like this mod, but given that reactors have their efficiency reduced, and turbines have it increased, maybe it can be a good idea to set the reactors' price to normal, an make turbines more expensive. That way, if someone finds a way to produce enough steam without nuclear power, they still need to build the expensive turbines

5 years ago

Using turbines with other sources of high temperature steam is completely broken anyway and you shouldn't do it, it'll give you much more power than it should.

5 years ago

yes, and thats my point, if someone did that, they had to work hard for the turbines.

Also, my idea would make the reactors cheapper, given that their ouput decreases (not cheapper than usual, jast as cheap as usual)

5 years ago

Not like an increased cost would in any way balance the ability to get tons of free energy though. But as said, i think you should not use turbines for other high temperature steam sources anyway (or if you can find some, tell me about it so i can balance it, like i did with geothermal). Although i guess i should increase their price anyway since i did the same for the reactors because all the involved entities are basically X times better.

Reactors do output more power, so their increased cost has a reason. They don't output more heat directly, but in the chain of nuclear power production, the same setup with 1 reactor in vanilla that produces 40MW will produce X times the power, however high you set the multiplier in this mod. Having reactors also cost X times as much just makes sense or otherwise this mod wouldn't be as much of a way to try and reduce the UPS cost, but just be cheaty and a buff to nuclear. As it is, you will produce X times as much power but also use X times more fuel cells, and reactors will also cost more so it's almost the same as having several reactors. It's basically just a denser form using fewer entities, so the UPS cost is lower.

5 years ago

ok, I get it

and... as for the the ways to get high temperatura steam, check all mods providing electric boilers. I've already found two: electric boilers, and electric boilers with tiers. I dont use them for energy, but if I would, I'd have self sustaining energy

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

For boilers you should use steam engines anyway, not steam turbines. Turbines are meant for high temperature steam (like from heat exchangers), not regular steam that comes from boilers.

5 years ago

well, it does work with turbines, I dont use them because it would be too easy, too cheatty, but I did try it, and it does work

5 years ago

Yeah, i mean you're right that's a problem. Although there's no easy way to fix it. And it's not a problem unique to electric boilers, you can technically use turbines for your regular coal fueled boilers too. At this point i'll just say "don't do that" :P

5 years ago

fair enough

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Why are building prices all at 1x? I have multiplier in settings at 4x, so 1.1GW vanilla reactor setup creates 4.5GW or so. This equals 4 entire nuclear setups, it makes no sense that we can build 1 compressed reactor, turbines, heat pipes and exchangers with resource cost of 1 normal one. Albeit fuel use is 4 times as fast.

2 years ago

The prices should scale. I'll take a look at it.

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