Nuclear Rebalance

by Kingdud

Improves UPS with nuclear power by completely overhauling how nuclear energy is produced. Material costs are in-line with vanilla, build complexity is meant to help foster interest in how nuclear actually works.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g You. Are. Awesome!

4 years ago

Hello Kingdud,

I did not test your mod (yet) but you got me in the middle of your "lore" part on the main page. Half an hour later, after reading your FAQ and some of the referenced docs I just have to give you a huge ThankYou!
What a pleasure to read detailed information and thoughts which were the base of your considerations developing this gem - your dedication for this specific topic/object speaks for itself.
Instead of just scrolling on after this great read (smiling) I wanted to share my feelings because I appreciate your efforts. Enjoy your day!

4 years ago

:happysun: Thank you for your kind words.

4 years ago

Do you have plans upgrading it to 0.18? :)
Would love to try it in my current world

4 years ago <--I need the .18 prototypes to get published by Wube first. They changed the prototype definitions / added one and I need to upgrade my mod to work with them, the only problem is...they didn't publish the changed spec. I'm blocked on upgrading until they publish their changes.

4 years ago

FYI, mod has been updated to work with .18 now that Wube have published the changes they made to the prototypes.

4 years ago

Cheers, just downloaded the mod!

2 years ago

I agree with raneo!
You and your work on this mod is out of this world :3
As a physicist myself, an Additional Big Thank You for the FAQ!
Wish you all the very best!

PS. btw the thorium part of the mod could have brought more eyes in the real world to thorium reactors and how they can help humanity a lot ^_^
As an opposite example, there is a old-ish game from Germany "A New Beginning", where the main character trashes and vilifies the nuclear\atomic energy sector, and 10 years later that moved into the general mood of the population over there. There is a video about it on YT: "Ross's Game Dungeon: A New Beginning".

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