You've echoed some of my own thoughts about this, so expect an update soon, probably today, that is consistent with your points, at least about the weight of reactors and turbines.
When I was looking at weights for the 1.8.0 update, I noticed that while uranium fuel is massively over-weight in the base game, but also, as you point out here, that reactors are massively underweight, relative to their ingredients. Reactors specifically are simply set to be able to move 1 reactor per launch, whereas the weight of the concrete alone should take 5. And, I didn't look at the weight of heat exchangers and turbines when I made them more compact and more expensive.
Weights in Factorio are jank in general. Never mind realism, they are not even consistent with each other. For example, there are places where it is possible to use productivity bonuses to produce more mass in product than was contained in the ingredients. And of course, uranium is just massively overweight in general.
Now, by this mod's very concept, being overpowered on purpose is not out of the question. And unburned nuclear fuel is actually quite safe, even by real-world standards.[1] But with reactors and the rest of the power plant, balance, realism, and consistency actually point in the same direction, which is to make everything else much heavier.
[1] Of course, by Factorio standards it's even safer. What's the worst that could happen, the rocket explodes and showers the planet's surface with enriched uranium? That's where the uranium came from to begin with, so it's not even really pollution if you think about it.