Noxys Trees

by _Noxy_

Makes the trees spread slowly but also die off with certain condition. Made to be performant and multiplayer friendly. Very configurable.

5 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g What defines a reinforced tile?

5 months ago

Im playing pY and for reasons (73x sci) I need to chop a lot of trees early game. I usually would have this mod installed anyway because its cool, but now its almost a must. I am using stone bricks to pave deforestation routes (not a phrase I would normally say in factorio but we do what we must). My question is: what constitutes a reinforced tile? Ik it says reinforced concrete in the tooltip, but do modded tiles count? Which tiles? I plan on using more advanced tiles later in the playthrough, and would like to have trees degrade just basic tiles. Thank you for the clarification.

5 months ago

Pretty much only refined concrete counts as reinforced.

You can see the full list here: (It includes colored variants but that is about it).

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