Noxys Trees

by _Noxy_

Makes the trees spread slowly but also die off with certain condition. Made to be performant and multiplayer friendly. Very configurable.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.5.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
15.0K users

This mod adds tree spreading but more interesting, highly customizable, performant and fully multiplayer compatible.


  • Tree spreading (The main goal of the mod)
  • Tree deaths from various reasons (Including overpopulation, radiation, pollution and lack of fertility)
  • Tree mutations and resurrections from the dead
  • Tile degradation (think of this as the roots of the trees slowly destroying placed down tiles).
  • Many configuration options
  • Compatibility with just about any mod.
  • *NEW* Performance impact no longer related to map size (aside from the impact of more trees but you can configure that).
  • *NEW* Ability to alter the tree collision boxes.


Want to discuss this mod or talk to Noxy directly? You can just go to the discord!

Discord Invite to Noxys Naughty Nook


Source [Changelog] ( Issues



Name Description
Tree dying factor from fire Percentage of how many trees should be removed after they've been burnt by fire. Vanilla default is 0.8 (80%). Set this to 0 to not alter this behavior.


Name Description
Enabled When enabled trees will spread and die.
Debug mode Enables the output of debug messages.
Debug Interval The interval in ticks between debug messages.
Degrade tiles Over time slowly degrades floor tiles that block tree growth until the trees can grow there again.
Overpopulation kills trees If a chunk is overpopulated it will slowly kill off trees at random in that chunk.
Kill trees near unwanted Randomly kills trees that are near biter bases, uranium ore or player entities. This also affects the death of trees by lack of fertility or too much pollution.
Ticks between operations Allows fine grained control over the performance of this mod and the speed at which the trees expand.
Chunks per operation Allows fine grained control over the performance of this mod and the speed at which the trees expand.
Enable chunks per operation scaling bias Allows fine grained control over the performance of this mod and the speed at which the trees expand. WARNING: This option makes tree growth more consistent throughout a playthrough but will cost more performance the bigger the map becomes. Therefore this is a choice between consistent performance versus consistent tree spreading.
Chunks per operation scaling bias Allows fine grained control over the performance of this mod and the speed at which the trees expand. Chunks per operation are multiplied with the total chunks divided by this value (if enabled) (this * (TotalChunks / ScalingBias)).
Minimum distance between trees Minimum distance between trees for trees to be able to grow.
Minimum distance to enemies Minimum distance to enemy bases or worms for trees to be able to grow.
Minimum distance to uranium ore Minimum distance to uranium ore for trees to be able to grow.
Minimum distance to player entities Minimum distance to player entities for trees to be able to grow. Set this to 0 to skip this check and thus slightly increase performance.
Tree deaths by lack of fertility minimum If the fertility of the ground is lower than this value the tree on top of it has a chance to die.
Tree deaths by pollution bias How quickly trees die from pollution. Set this to 0 to disable deaths by pollution. Additional trees attempted to be killed = math.ceil(pollution / this).
Trees to grow per chunk percentage Allows fine grained control over the performance of this mod and the speed at which the trees expand. Each chunk will at least try to generate one tree but this percentage can increase it to more based on the existing trees in the chunk. If the percentage is 0.01 (1%) and the chunk has 200 trees it will try to generate 2 additional trees per operation.
Maximum trees per chunk If there are more trees than this number in a chunk it will not expand any trees in that chunk. (Vanilla dense forests seem to be around 512 trees per chunk)
Expansion distance How far in tiles a tree can generate from its originating tree.