Less Collision Small Pole

Changes the small electric pole to have no collision with a variety of objects, allowing its placement almost anywhere to make it competitive with medium poles in different designs.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.3 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
1.25K users

-Partially removes the collision box from small electric poles, allowing their placement over most other structures.
-Partially, in this case, means that the poles can be placed over minor objects like belts, inserters, pipes, other poles, and small items like that, but not over major objects like assemblers, drills, or labs.

Originally, this mod allowed poles to be placed over any object, but I've decided that for large objects, that's less believable. The function of a 'place-able anywhere at all' electric object will be moved into a separate mod.

Why remove the collision box, one might ask? In my mind, each electric pole should have a purpose that makes them useful even among other pole types. For example, the medium electric pole still sees great use even once the big electric pole is unlocked since they both serve different purposes. The large pole has an excellent wire reach to make linking far away electrical networks easy, but has very little supply area. This makes the large pole useful without outright replacing the medium pole. The small pole, however, does get replaced in function by the medium pole, which has larger wire reach and supply area. This mod allows the small electric pole to be placed over a variety of small objects like inserters or belts and in between larger objects, giving it use in very compact setups where a few structures out of range of other poles need electricity without taking up extra space to deliver it.