Next Gen Evolution

by Qon

Nests absorbing pollution causes evolution to increase instead of when it is produced. An improvement to vanilla pollution evolution behaviour. Default values are balanced to allow you to turn vanilla pollution evolution factor off without changing difficulty but everything is Qonfigurable. Doesn't impact UPS. /ngevolution to see evolution factor

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [Resolved] High Update Latency

4 years ago

I like the idea of this mod.

When I run this mod I get a timing update latency that toggles between 0.150 to 0.300.

Is this the expected level of performance?

4 years ago

It's version 0.0.3 so it updates every second for testing purposes. But it was designed to work even if it updates much less often. I will set it to update less often soon. Once per minute should be enough and will then actually eliminate all performance Qoncerns q:

4 years ago

NGE 0.0.4 is now live:

Version: 0.0.4
- The mod now only runs once/minute instead of per second. It was running every second for debug
purposes but it isn't really necessary if you aren't checking your evolution every second so
it was changed. Now it should actually be 0 performance impact now that the debugging stuff is gone.

4 years ago

Thanks, looks better now.

4 years ago

This is how Vanilla should work!

4 years ago

Glad you guys like it!
Do you think the default values are balanced?
If you changed the settings to something else, was it because the default values were unbalanced or because you wanted something extra hard or to make the natives a bit less annoying than in vanilla?

New response