Natural Evolution Buildings

Add some very useful buildings to combat the Enemy threat, as changed by N.E. Enemies and other mods that increase Enemy difficulty. Please visit home page for more details.

9 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Pheromone Concrete seems a bit overpowered from the description...

5 years ago

Pheromone Concrete seems a bit overpowered from the description...

- Decelerate Concrete changed to Pheromone Concrete. Enemy units can't cross. Idea from Darkfrei

Doesn't that make it basically invincible walls, which is significantly overpowered?

5 years ago

Yeah, but it uses Alien Artifacts to create and once mined, you lose it.
So it is very powerful, but also an Artifact sinc.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

On a death world right now I'm sitting on almost 3000 stacks of full artifacts, sooo... Way overpowered.... ^.^;

The slowdown concrete was super useful for car parking though, now my cars speed up into the surrounding walls with this... >.>

5 years ago

Okay, I added an update. Now Pheromone Concrete will stop working about an hour after placed.

5 years ago

Hmm, is that going to be an ontick event? Does it get more costly with a lot of them or does it stay below 0.01ms at most?

I really like that idea for it though! Great quick defense while setting up something more permanent. Any chance at making the time configureable in the settings (I'm thinking of something more like 5-15 minutes on my deathworld server, hmm, tiers of it would be interesting too...)?

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