I am not using "EndgameCombat_0.0.25" I use all 3 natural evolution mods, Angels mods (even the betas), bobs mods, squeak through, bio industries, all aai vehicles (no structures), nature and wildlife, portal research, portals, and a few miscellaneous mods that dont affect enemies, evolution, tech, or events as far as I am aware.
Edit: this is my error read out if it helps:
Error while running event Natural_Evolution_Buildings::on_sector_scanned (ID 7)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
Natural_Evolution_Buildings/control.lua:574: in function 'Reduce_Evolution'
Natural_Evolution_Buildings/control.lua:635: in function <Natural_Evolution_Buildings/control.lua:628>
Edit2: I just dissabled all mods except the 3 natural evolution mods and the issue persists.
Edit3: I made a new game and forced the terraformer into my inventory. No bugs even with all mods on. I think something might have happened when updating my map from version to version. Is there something you know of in the code somewhere in the map, save, or mod files that I can delete or change to fix this? Or is the code too complex to edit it manually. Keep in mind I did delete the mod, make a save, and then force the tech research and items obtainment and it still didn't work.