N.Tech Chemistry

by Natha

Adds more fluids, gases and solid items to work with chemical processes.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Combability option with Bery0za's Pure It

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi. Sorry for making so many threads here.
Just wanted to ask if it's possible on your end to make a combability patch with the mod "Bery0za's Pure It - https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bery0zas-pure-it"

That mod adds air purification, so that the pollution can be managed. This require oxygen, so that mod adds a oxygen recipe.
However that mod and your mod does not make the same oxygen apparently, and can't be interchanged.

Is it possible to make the oxygen your mod adds compatible with that mod?

2 years ago

Please ask the other mod's author to rename the fluid simply to "oxygen" because many other mods add oxygen too so it would be compatible with all of them

New response