Mouse-over Construction

Revive ghosts, upgrade, repair, and deconstruct with a simple mouse-over. Respects reach distance and mining speed. Similar to GhostPlacerExpress and MouseOverDeconstruct.

7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1
Latest version:
Factorio version:
Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads
1.2.1 1.1 Download 7 months ago 5.67K
1.2.0 1.1 Download 2 years ago 7.69K
1.1.4 1.1 Download 3 years ago 2.82K
1.1.3 1.1 Download 3 years ago 102
1.1.2 1.0 Download 3 years ago 379
1.1.1 1.0 Download 3 years ago 19
1.1.0 1.0 Download 3 years ago 68
1.0.0 1.0 Download 3 years ago 268