More Repair Packs

Adds 4 new Repair Packs! - Copper Repair Pack (alternative to the normal Repair Pack) - Steel Repair Pack - Field/Plastic Repair Pack - The Multitool

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Manufacturing

i balancement issue

2 years ago

I'm going straight to the point: copper repair pack has the same properties as the vanilla one, yet it cost two plate less since gear cost two plate for one. It take 5s instead of 0.5s of usual, but it still feel a bit cheaty.
My suggestion is to standardize crafting time (better to get vannilla repair pack inline) and maybe tweak the ricipe for copper one.

Btw i have installed the mod and really enjoyed! Having an alternative to the normal repair pack is awsome. Also field repair pack and the multitool are dope af! Texture are cool too. Keep up, thanks for the already great mod!

2 years ago

Thank you for the Feedback :D
I am currently sick, but when I feel better I will balance it accordingly.

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