MSP - 30 new Science Packs

Play with 30 new science packs and a new technology tree (if omniLib enabled) that adds efficiency tech to the various science packs. This mod is not an extension to lovely_santa's mod by a similar name. It adds 30 science packs but they are all pretty inexpensive. A TON of customization exists for the mod and individual packs can be disabled. Mod integration engine designed to add pack types to entire tech tree (only applies to technology that can be traced back to vanilla tech). Optional inclusion of omniLib enables new tech tree that unlocks various levels of efficiency tiers for each pack that will auto-update machines when research completes.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Cannot research module science (pack 18) with Bob's modules enabled

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

As per description, I can't find the research that unlocks pack 18 with Bob's modules (plus a bunch of other Bob's) installed. I tried the "unlock all packs"-assign-to-an-asembler-save-and-reload trick, but although the assembler with the recipe remains in game, the recipe cannot be selected. (BTW, love this in vanilla, and can only imagine the headaches it is trying to make it compatible with the likes of Bob's/Angels/etc). TIA

PS. I read the "known issues" and it sounds like it should be compatible. If I need to just disable pack 18 (set to zero) apologies if I misunderstood.

4 years ago

Sorry for the (very) late response. I've taken a few months off from all my non essential projects. As two of my income streams have completely dried up due to world pandemic. I did initially just make a quick patch to let the mods run in v18 (MSP and CE are my two factorio projects atm).

MSP should be compatible out of the box with any combination of bobs angels or zelos (omnimatter) mods. this gets a bit more complex with additional mods are added on top but i also tested some of the big name ones as well. For more detailed resolution, i'll need info on what selection of mods (and versions) are being run; as a general rule i don't support mod groups that have outdated mods as its just extra work to try and locate/resolve something that may have already been patched. If everything in your folder is updated and pack 18 still does not have a technology that unlocks it (also need to know if you're running with the omniLib or without, as it VASTLY changes how the mod performs....this is intentional/by design)...i can start looking into it. Also a look at modsettings can give us the answer we need. other mods that alter modules could also be to blame, which is why i need to know what other mods are being used.

Some recipes are not made in an assembler, some require the chemistry lab. FNEI is your friend. If a third party mod adds a fluid component to the recipe after my mod loads and changes it's crafting location somewhere during the middle of loading, that could also be causing an issue...basically i need more modpack-detailed info so i can replicate the issue and trace its source. sorry for the lengthy explanation, but i feel it's the least i could do . Happy factory building!!!

New response