MSP - 30 new Science Packs

Play with 30 new science packs and a new technology tree (if omniLib enabled) that adds efficiency tech to the various science packs. This mod is not an extension to lovely_santa's mod by a similar name. It adds 30 science packs but they are all pretty inexpensive. A TON of customization exists for the mod and individual packs can be disabled. Mod integration engine designed to add pack types to entire tech tree (only applies to technology that can be traced back to vanilla tech). Optional inclusion of omniLib enables new tech tree that unlocks various levels of efficiency tiers for each pack that will auto-update machines when research completes.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Science Pack 27 and Bob's Warfare

5 years ago

Bob's changes the Explosive Rocket but you still request the vanilla rocket will this work?

5 years ago

Sorry, what?

5 years ago

With Bob's warfare the explosive rocket has been changed from the vanilla explosive rocket. Your recipe for the science pack 27 requires the vanilla explosive rocket and you can't make it with bob's warfare, here's a screen shot

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

bug unable to be confirmed.
check for research entitled "Explosive Rocketry" instead of "Explosive rocket"

else, some other mod is affecting it.

New response