More Science

Changes the science pack recipes, take it to the next level. Just so it isn't always the same boring vanilla recipes...

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Factorio 0.18.34 error after uptate Bob's mods

4 years ago

Hello, after updating the Bob's mods, the following error occurred:

Mods to disable:Failed to load the following mods: MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension/data-updates.lua:41: ...lsExtension__/prototypes/bobelectronics/data-updates.lua:12: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...lsExtension__/prototypes/bobelectronics/data-updates.lua:12: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension/data-updates.lua:41: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension/data-updates.lua:41: in main chunk

The error occurred after updating the following mods:
bobrevamp to 0.18.6
bobplates to 0.18.9
bobassembly to 0.18.7
bobpower to 0.18.7

4 years ago

I have the same issue.
Most likely this mod isn't up to date.

4 years ago

It is indeed not updated, as I'm currently working on angels mods (more or less full time). Angels industries is bringing a lot of new content, so before that is finished fully, it's more a waste of updating this mod.

New response