
Adds more variety to biters.

5 years ago

b High UDS Impact

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


its a very cool mod, but since i installed it, my UPS dropped from 60UPS down to 40UPS - thats not playable anymore.

Whats the reason? Could you fix/improve that?

This mod should be in base game for more variety.


EDIT: sorry i cant edit the title.
UPS = updates per second, if someone doesnt know.

The performance UPS impact does not occur instant after starting, so i think its caused by some event or by many enemies of a special enemy (titan??).

I really want to use this mod, so i hope we can improve the performance or implement an option to disable the "performance-biting-biters" ;)

Edit: it seems that the mod corrupted the savegame - the UPS stay slow at 40ups on this specific savegame, but not on the backup i made just before.
There are no other differencies excepting the removed the mod.
I don't know how this can happen.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

You can already disable the biters that impact performance, it's in the mod menu. (Leech, tunnel, and explosion.)

If you've uninstalled the mod and UPS is still low, then it's possible it's another mod. The control code and any prototype changes do not persist after uninstalling. As far as I know, it's not possible to "corrupt" a save with a mod.

5 years ago


thank you for your response.
When i install the mod and wait for the performance impact after a short time and then uninstall the mod, the low UPS still persist. If i reload the same save without the previously installed mod i have no UPS problem.

Any reloading and savings prove that :(

Thank your for the tipp with disabling, i'll try it. Anyway, i hope the performance can be still improved so all can use the mod without the need to disable anything.

New response