Added # in 0.0.39 for input and output tables, counting only non-zero signals there.
Note that if you use e.g. out.wood = #out, it can produce somewhat unintuitive result, as "out" table is persistent, and "wood" signal itself will be counted after being set when any other signal was present in that table, and will always be >=1 after that.
also, after update i get this error:
(in case you cant open again, it says:
RuntimeError: Moon_Logic/control.lua:79: [ENC Error] Forbidden global read:{key = "cn_wire_signal"}
Yeah, sorry, I think it's just imgur not working in my FF 68, and I was lazy to open it in another browser.
Doesn't seem to be a big deal, as issue seem to be understandable anyway, but should've clarified.
And my bad on the error, changed function there to a wrong name and forgot to test it. Should be fixed in 0.0.40.