Moon Logic deprecated

by mk-fg

Adds Lua-programmable circuit network combinator. Based on Sandboxed LuaCombinator and LuaCombinator2 mods. Probably won't work in multiplayer games.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Circuit network

b [fixed] Error while running event Moon_Logic::on_gui_opened

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

130.574 Error MainLoop.cpp:1207: Exception at tick 3312859: Die Mod Moon Logic (0.0.16) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event Moon_Logic::on_gui_opened (ID 84)
Moon_Logic/gui.lua:230: table index is nil
stack traceback:
Moon_Logic/gui.lua:230: in function 'close'
Moon_Logic/gui.lua:219: in function 'open'
Moon_Logic/control.lua:516: in function <Moon_Logic/control.lua:505>

I loaded a save file and clicked on a mlc-entity

4 years ago

Not entirely sure why it didn't happen to me as well, seem to be a bad earlier fix in 0.0.14 for a bug added in 0.0.12. Added chain-fix in 0.0.17.
As I was mostly editing the mod lately, and not really playing with it myself, it's nice that it has at least one actual player to test it. Thanks! :)

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