Momo +(30)Science Mod deprecated

Add more complex crafting for science. An overhaul mod make for 30 new Science Pack(MSP) Bob's, Angel's. Reintroduce Bob'sExtended Item. >> Include MOD PACK <<

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Tinned Wire Coil error.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

So im running Bob's, Angel's, Py, Py touched, Madclowns and MomoTweak together and the recipe for Tinned Wire Coil has an extra ingredient (0x Molten copper) and is not made an any building.

Not sure how to proceed further

Edit: Spelling

5 years ago

same problem over here,

Stuck in the modpack atm since it's needed for tier 7 science pack.

5 years ago

I have remove dependency for pycoaltbaa let check

New response